God has given each us a unique set of gifts.
If you are looking for a way to serve the church, but are not sure about what ministry may be the best fit, the Grace Gifts Inventory may provide some clarity.
Grace Gifts
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God has given each us a unique set of gifts.
If you are looking for a way to serve the church, but are not sure about what ministry may be the best fit, the Grace Gifts Inventory may provide some clarity.
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For Christians, a big part of knowing what God wants us to do is understanding what God has equipped us to do. When we discover what unique talents and abilities God has given us and then find a way to use those to serve God, that can bring a lot of healthy fulfillment into our lives.
If you are looking for a way to be involved in a ministry but are not sure about what program may be the best fit, the Grace Gifts Inventory may provide some clarity.
Click here to take the Grace Gifts Inventory.
About Grace Gifts, and the author
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Dan Knight, one of our elders, designed the inventory and would be happy to discuss your results (also called your gift mix). If you have questions about the inventory, please contact him. If you'd like to read more about Grace Gifts, click here to order Dan's book!